I just read it again, but seems you didn't tell how your break maker runs. So, can i put all the ingredients in at one time? Is it true i need not to do any pre.? Just putting the ingredients inside is OK ? Thanks!
What 'DeepC' said is absolutely true. Just put all ingredients, press few buttons and you will have bread in 4.5 hrs or cake in about 2 hrs. Timer can be set. Very easy. Not all brands or models are good. I like the Panasonic one, it is a bit expensive, but it is worthy in the long run. The advantage of Panasonic one is very easy to clean. Besides the bread maker and ingredients, all you need to buy are 2 kitchen heat insulated gloves, a bread cutting knife, a scale and that's all.
yes, put all things inside, then OK! even you need to put other 配料, no need to follow instruction which ask you to wait till it beeps. Just put all inside, set the timer, go to sleep, and have a bread for breakfast!
Thanks for sharing, seems you're having fun with it now, happy ar!
I remember what you said, no need to wait till it beeps, just put all inside together.
I'm still thinking lar, a panasonic one asks around $2000, but the other some only ask several hundreds, makes me hard to decide. Maybe i choose a several hundred one finally.
18 則留言:
我也懷疑那麼神奇, 等你查探清楚告訴我.
I hope I can answer your question...
I just read it again, but seems you didn't tell how your break maker runs.
So, can i put all the ingredients in at one time? Is it true i need not to do any pre.? Just putting the ingredients inside is OK ? Thanks!
不過,我呢個無飯主婦就唔打算試… 哈哈!
之前我有朋友用這類機做麵包給我吃, 她說放材料入機後不用理, 等夠鐘就有得吃. 做出來的味道不錯, 還有多了一份heart! :)
What 'DeepC' said is absolutely true. Just put all ingredients, press few buttons and you will have bread in 4.5 hrs or cake in about 2 hrs. Timer can be set. Very easy. Not all brands or models are good. I like the Panasonic one, it is a bit expensive, but it is worthy in the long run. The advantage of Panasonic one is very easy to clean. Besides the bread maker and ingredients, all you need to buy are 2 kitchen heat insulated gloves, a bread cutting knife, a scale and that's all.
我覺得原理應同電飯煲相似, 係放晒材料由佢整, 但整出來好唔好味靚唔靚都要花啲時間心思嘗試.
Thanks so much, now i believe the bread maker can make bread completely by itself, it's just wonderful!
yes, put all things inside, then OK! even you need to put other 配料, no need to follow instruction which ask you to wait till it beeps. Just put all inside, set the timer, go to sleep, and have a bread for breakfast!
Thanks for sharing, seems you're having fun with it now, happy ar!
I remember what you said, no need to wait till it beeps, just put all inside together.
I'm still thinking lar, a panasonic one asks around $2000, but the other some only ask several hundreds, makes me hard to decide. Maybe i choose a several hundred one finally.