16 則留言:
Hi Coffee n tea,
I wish you success in having healthy diet.
Maybe you can borrow a metaphor from the bible to help you: Originally, the house was occupied by the devil. Holy spirit have come and cleansed the house. But you have to fill it on an ongoing basis by the Holy spirit. Otherwise, when the devil comes back again and find the house is empty, he/she will invited a group of evil spirits to re-occupy the empty house and make it worse than before. Does it apply to you?
Have the determination to avoid eating snack/yunk food is not enough. Maybe you can use your imagation of how your body is good shape (wearing your beautiful bikini or put your bikini at the visible place of your bedroom), how strong your body is (biking on hilly mountain, hiking on long and winding road), help poor people build house in Maxico (working very hard on sunny days) and so on. You can be more imaginative than me. When you change your subconscious, your behavior will change automatically. A lot of people use this traning program for public speaking. Make up your mind not to eat food can serve as psychological suppression. That can only increase your craving for eating more food. (For example, I ask you not to think of a BIRD now, but you just can't prevent yourself from thinking of a bird now.) When you mind is full of positive thinking about strong and good looking body shape (you have already significantly influnced by your subconscious), it will direct and affect your eating behavior. That's only my suggestion. (Of course, that is only one of the psychological approaches to change thinking pattern and behavior.) I hope that works for you.
Good luck!
good luck!
Hi! You are so kind. I like what you said about imagination even though I never wear bikini in my life.:P After reading your suggestion, I do really imaginate that picture, then I smile! I also imaginate I have a good looking shaped body. I got it! I'll always do that to prevent taking snacks.
Thanks a lot!
best actor︰
My wrong type: imagine (v.)
由于皮肤问题要戒口, 所以很多东西都不能吃.
明白你忍吃之苦, 不过为健康之故, 还是别吃太多零食吧, 慢慢把份量减下来.
Hi Coffee n tea,
Please don't worry about your spelling/grammetical mistakes and typo. I usually make all those mistakes regularly. Yet,I try my best to convey my message clearly and accurately. Actually, English is my second language. In additon, as I mentioned to you, I don't know how to use the Chinese program in my persnal computer. Otherwise, I will choose to use English to express myself.
Regarding changing the habbit of eating snacks or unhealthy food, some of my friends who are dietitians and nurses working in the hospital suggest that you can prepare yourself with a lot of different kinds of fruit that you enjoy eating, such as oranges, apples, kiwis, and so on at your office/home. Whenever you have a craving to enjoy snacks, eat fruits instead. You still can have your healthy body in good shape and can still enjoy eating! (Plus, to keep using the stairs and walking 30 to 45 minutes per day on an ongoing basis can make you physically fit.) It's a win-win situation, isn't it?
I wish you excellent body shape that you desire.
Thank you! Good suggestion for eating fruits instead. Actually I have chance to walk stairs everyday, but I don't know if it hurts the knees or not, because before a friend said so.
With Love
Hi Coffee and tea,
I may know the reason why you like cats. It's because you're so active at night time. You are still writing/reading blog at 11:30pm. That's not good for your skin and general health condition. (It's just a friendly reminder:) I know a lot of people living in Hong Kong have this kind of lifestyle.)
Yes, you are right. Please consult with your doctor or physiotherapist whether it's appropriate for you to climb too many stairs and check whether you got joints problems, especially you choose to do some jogging. It will be extremely harmful for the joint of your legs. But walking (even power walk)for 30 to 45 minutes a day should be suitable for anyone.
Please be imaginative (in your bikini and people watching you with a lot admiration, hiking on long and winding road under beautiful sunshine, working very hard to build houses for the poor people in Mexico) and rejoice/celebate with the happy emotions brought by your imagination. Your subconsciousness will guide you and direct your thoughts and behavior to achieve your goal: healthy body in good shape. This theory can apply to other behavioral changes. I hope you find that useful and practical.